26 .9 .09 nite
celebrate ah sot birthday...in east garden~mlk raya...
actualy his birthday is on 27.09...
we early a day celebrate v him...
b4 go east garden...
yong jin fetch us go nadeje's cake shop buy a million layer cake to our shou xing gong...
nadeje's cake shop neh...
all cake i oso like neh~hee^^
nadeje's cake
after buy the cake..
we straight away go east gerden meet other them..
when reach..kanasai...few of them is eating lol..
v r late...ha
east garden~
tis kari mee ~i order de...bt tis taller ask me to order other tat no spicy..
cuz my touge is injure...so pain..
thx 4 him help me finish tis kari mee neh...
haiz....sea food spaghetti...look so nice
bt nt mine...i din eat sotong n other inside tis .
actualy i order cheese 1..
tat staff gv me tis 1..mistake...!! blur...ing!!!!!
my chees spaghetti
wait tis spaghetti....around one hour i jz can eat..
hate it...cuz wait until my stomachache lol~sad T.T
hui chuan uncle neh...hee
handsome guo wei...
caffe oso use tis type of cup neh..
hot milo~handsome guo wei order de lu~
so concentrate to read the menu~
1,2,3....look at the same side....chia~
wa~whole family...frenzship last 4ever o...
c....seem like couple nt...hee...chat sumthing tat cant gv other noe..haiz~~
sot plug de both of them..kissed !!
In public lobby...
two girl lagi^^
yea~i lv my best frenz neh~muack...
wt yin doin tat wa~!
fen n jane...
Mr ah sot n me~fen
us agin..
i lv tis pic...yin so sexy..wendy keep in cute neh...me?sure pretty lu...=.=ai mi tuo fou...haha
wu~hapi birthday to my "ai ya laogong"
hu~4 girl around him...he is in centre..
yeapi~i ate again million layers cake ...yummy neh...
chuan , so concentrate to make tissue rose 4 our ah sot neh~
white colour tissue ^ROSE^